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Global Perspective

Before we looked at farms in our local area, we took a look at farming across the world. As we did this, we realized that farming in our local community is not so different from farming in other parts of the world.

Farming in countries such as Costa Rica, and in even less developed countries is viewed as a living.  People in less developed countries rely on what they grow so that they can eat and be able to sell their crop for living expenses. What many people don't know is that there are people in Austin that rely on farming for those same reasons. Most local farmers only survive off of what they grow. They have no city jobs, their only occupation is working in their fields day in and day out. Selling their crop is how they pay their bills. They have no other source of income, just like farmers in other countries around the world.

Austin farming is very similar to farming in countries covering the world. Farmers dedicate themselves from sun rise to sunset so that they can have a meal to eat when they are hungry, and so that they can pay for the necessities that it takes to live. Farmers all over the world depend on a consistent, if not growing, client base so that they can provide for themselves and their family.

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